Relating Cases
Cases can now be linked when creating a New Case or within an existing case via Edit Related Cases. |
1. From the My Cases page, click New Case to start a new manual case upload.
For existing cases, click the Case # and then Edit Related Cases.
2. Click Edit next to Related Cases or Continue/Save Changes.
3. The software will display cases with the same or similar client and patient name within your eVetDiagnostics account. (Click the hyperlink of each case listed to see it’s contents in another browser window.)
4. Check the box(es) of the case(s) you want to link under Exact Match or Partial Match and click Done. If there are no cases that are related, check the No related case and then click Done. The program will automatically fill in the Requested Specialist who has previously read or is reading the linked cases.
5. For New Cases, click Continue to Add Images.
For Existing Cases, click Done.
6. As Specialists accept your case, they will see your related case. You can also see related cases by entering a case (Case # on the My Cases page) and scroll to the Related Cases section on the case.