
I just started using eVet, and I am extremely pleased with the service. I have been able to provide my clients and patients with advanced veterinary services with a minimal expense in technology. A digital camera and an email is all you need."

Thanks so much for your reports and comments.


Xavier Garcia, DVM

Don DeForge, VMD-Fellow of the Academy of Veterinary Dentistry

After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. DeForge developed a special interest in oral care.  In 1996, he was honored as North East Practitioner of the Year by the American Animal Hospital Association.  That same year he received the Peter Emily Residents Award in Small Animal Dentistry.

Dr. DeForge lectures on small animal dentistry and oral surgery emphasizing practical applications for the general practitioner. His past columns in companion animal dentistry have appeared in DVM Newsmagazine and Veterinary Practice News for over a decade.  Dr. DeForge is co-editor of An Atlas of Veterinary Dental Radiology along with Ben H Colmery III, DVM, DAVDC.

Dr. DeForge has guest lectured in Veterinary Technology Programs at Suffolk Community College and Mercy College.  He was an Adjunct at Northwestern Community College where he established the Department of Oral Radiology and Periodontology for veterinary technology students in conjunction with Dr. Nancy Marchetti-Program Director.

As a Fellow of the Academy of Veterinary Dentistry, he has been honored by human dentistry. Dr. Jeffrey A. Sherman, DDS, Diplomate of the American Board of Oral Electrosurgery and Executive Director of the World Academy of Radiosurgery writes: “Your years of lecturing and writing on the subject of radiosurgery have not gone unnoticed.  I believe your efforts in creating the

E-Journal of Radiowave Radiosurgery:  [see www.AnimalDentistrySolutions.com] will help your colleagues and makes us all proud of your efforts.  Your discovery of Indirect Radiowave Radiosurgery Coagulation has brought new insight into the use of radiosurgery in all fields of medicine and should be one of your proudest accomplishments.  It is with honor that I call you colleague and friend.  Please continue all of your fine efforts in the field of radiosurgery and know that sharing your knowledge is the greatest gift you have given to the profession.”

Dr. DeForge performs Continuing Education for veterinarians and veterinary technicians on the local, regional, and national level and is well respected by the academic community.  All of his lectures are RACE approved for CE.