IMPORTANT NOTICE: As of December 31, 2024, our IP Address will be changed to Any client submitting images via DICOM equipment must change to the new IP Address before the December 31, 2024 deadline. If you need assistance, please contact Maggie Nilson at with your hospital/clinic name and the DICOM system used at your facility.
You are assuming the identity of  .  Click here to resume as your normal identity.

Request New Account Request an account here
Please fill out the fields below. Your request will be promptly reviewed.

(Fields marked (*) in bold and maroon are required)

  1.   I already have a contract to send cases to eVetDiagnostics
  2. CAPTCHA code

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that for medical legal reasons, accounts can only be established by a Veterinarian or a Veterinary Hospital. Any requests for non-veterinary accounts will be denied without notification.